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Participator Level Descriptors

Fees for Participator Level:

  1. Schools/Colleges with under 400 pupils/students = £50

  2. Schools/Colleges with pupils/students 401 to 800 = £75

  3. Schools/Colleges with over 801 pupils/students = £100


At this level, the school will self-assess to see what they already do – how are they living their mission as a Catholic community? Do they already take part in any social justice awareness or promotion activities?


Selection of Evidence


Select targeted exemplars to reflect the comments you have made in your summary statements.


Appropriately name each evidence type e.g. Pay Policy, SoW


Ensure you load only evidence which can be accessed from your submission. We cannot accept any evidence sent separately via email or post.


Participator Level Assessment Criteria


1. Strategic

How does the leadership of the school strategically promote Catholic Social Teaching (CST) principles?


Does the school have policy statements agreed by the Governing Body and/or SLT about commitment to challenging injustice? If so, briefly provide the relevant section of the policy and summarise its relevance.


If the school is a member of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT), how does the Governing Body and/or SLT feedback to ensure CST is included in MAT policies?  Briefly describe with examples.


What does the school do that helps promote CST?  e.g. dignity of the human person, rights and responsibilities, dignity of work and rights of workers, care for God’s creation, preferential option for and with people who are poor.


Does the school have a person responsible for social justice and/or charitable undertakings?


Ideas which might contribute to this section:

An equal pay policy which is fair to all staff and which recognises each individual's contribution.


A community cohesion policy that ensures teachers show tolerance and respect of others, maintain British values and ensure that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils' vulnerability.


A behaviour policy that counts racial, homophobic or religious abuse or assault of a student or member of staff as a most serious behaviour.


A school equality and diversity policy/statement that ensures pupils and members of staff have the opportunity to fulfil their potential whatever their background.


A Fairtrade policy.


A designated teacher to promote the way the school puts its Christian faith and ideals into action.


Any training undertaken by Governors, SLT and/or Staff to promote CST.


Any School Improvement Plans which focus on the development and implementation of CST.


How the school supports particular organisations or projects, e.g. a partner school in Africa/Asia/Latin America, a Justice and Peace Group.


Any strategic decisions to support the wider community, struggling families or vulnerable children.


2. Curriculum

How does CST inform how students/pupils learn about causes of poverty or social justice issues in the curriculum?


How do students/pupils learn about climate change and living sustainably?


Outline how the school uses any resources from charities that promote justice and fairness in line with CST.


Ideas which might contribute to this section:


Examples of what is taught in the Religious Education curriculum about the causes of poverty or social justice issues e.g. discrimination, oppression, corruption.


Examples of what is taught in other areas of the curriculum, such as in English treatment of the poor in literature, e.g. 'A Christmas Carol' focusing on the true meaning of Christmas, family and generosity of spirit; social justice issues in History and Citizenship, e.g. The Holocaust and campaigns such as Black Lives Matter.  Use of IT to research and develop websites and webpages on justice concerns.


Examples from areas of the curriculum which teach about climate change and living sustainably, e.g. Geography and Science.


Examples of how the school uses its resources in order to support students/pupils in vulnerable groups, e.g. targetted lessons, provision of revision materials


Campaigns in school which promote living sustainably, e.g. not wasting water, improving recycling, automatic lighting.


How resources from charities that promote justice and fairness are used e.g. visiting speakers from CAFOD 


3. Practical

Describe briefly how the school raises money for any of the following local, national or international charities that support CST.


Does the school engage students/pupils in leadership groups? If so, briefly describe.


Illustrate how the school is involved in raising awareness about any justice issue in line with CST.


Ideas which might contribute to this section:


How does the school raise money for charity e.g. for local charities like Age Concern and international charities such as CAFOD through non-uniform days, house/class fundraising days, discos and coffee mornings; events like a Penny Fayre, 'Christmas Jumper Day', CAFOD breakfast


How does the school engage students/pupils in a leadership group e.g. a School Council which meets regularly to discuss issues and implement changes around the school.


What activities does the school engage in to raise awareness about justice issues e.g. developing links with a local care home, Charity Week, Fairtrade Fortnight, invitation to outside speakers or a worker from a charity, Black Lives Matter etc


Any activities in which the school engages to support the wider community, vulnerable groups, families e.g. providing additional support, food boxes etc.

Contact Us

Oscar Romero Award Trust, Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Stakes Hill Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7BW



+44 7931070635

@ 2024 Oscar Romero Award Trust

Registered Charity No. 1174108

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