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Innovator  Level Validation Visit Expectations 


  • The visit will be organised by the Oscar Romero Award Lead member of staff for the school.

  • It is a ‘validation’ visit rather than an inspection. Our Validators will be looking to validate/see that what was evidenced in the online Innovator Level application is taking place in the school and wider community and how Catholic Social Teaching is put into practice.

  • As a prerequisite for the awarding of the Innovator Level and to ensure consistency and fairness across schools/colleges during the validation visit we expect to:

    • Have a tour of the school/college led by pupils/students and a member of staff

    • Meet in person a minimum of at least two/three representatives from each of the following groups: 

      • Members of the wider community including Parents, local clergy, as appropriate

      • Pupils/Students

      • Staff both teaching and support staff

      • If part of a MAT, Trustees including CEO (if possible)

      • Senior Leadership Team including Headteacher

      • Governors (LGB)

    • Receive further evidence of the impact of outreach projects (written, photographic, in person) from at least two sources who have benefitted from the work of the school in tackling social justice issues.

  • The discussion will focus on the following areas:

    • Strategic Strand – representatives of the Trustees (if appropriate), Governors and Senior Leadership Team will show how the school at a strategic level puts social justice and Catholic Social Teaching into practice and will have at hand evidence to support that what is written in policies, statements, School Improvement Plan or School Development Plan is what happens in practice and that all stakeholders have received appropriate training/information in understanding the principles of CST

    • Curriculum Strand – we will expect to view samples of pupil/student’s work from all subjects across all year groups which show that they learn and reflect on social justice issues and to consider the impact this has on changing attitudes and behaviour. Evidence of this strand will also come from the validator’s interview with pupils/students as well as discussions with teaching/support staff as well as through viewing displays of work around the school. Seek evidence of any collaboration with other schools in reviewing curricula. 

    • Practical Strand – we will expect the Romero Award lead person to show evidence of how the school practically supports and challenges social justice issues. These will be seen during    the tour of the school as well as through meeting and interacting with staff, support staff,    pupils/students and the wider community from the different groups that put Catholic Social Teaching into practice across and beyond the school to change lives.

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