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Innovator Level Descriptors

Fees for Innovator Level:

  1. Schools/Colleges with under 400 pupils/students = £50

  2. Schools/Colleges with pupils/students 401 to 800 = £75

  3. Schools/Colleges with over 801 pupils/students = £100


At this level, the school community is challenged to become fully alive, working to promote CST principles in and beyond the school. The school actively changing the culture of its practice and life so that all its members see it as their duty to challenge inequality wherever they see it. The school’s commitment to CST principles is visible and its impact is tangible, measurable and sustainable. The school becomes a 'missionary centre' for the spread and embedding of CST principles in other schools.


Selection of Evidence

Select targeted exemplars to reflect the comments you have made in your summary statements.


Appropriately name each evidence type e.g. Pay Policy, SoW.


Ensure you load only evidence which can be accessed from your submission. We cannot accept any evidence sent separately via email or post.


Innovator Level Assessment Criteria


1. Strategic. 

Identify how the School, SLT and Governing Body monitor, challenge and evaluate the impact of the commitment to CST principles.


Identify how CST principles are explicit in all the policies of the school (How are CST principles at the heart of all school policies?)


How is CST reflected in the School's Development Plan?  Briefly illustrate the ongoing commitment.


Summarise any INSET for Staff and Governors within the last year which helps them develop, deepen and share their understanding and practice of CST both in and out of the school environment (working with and supporting other schools to embed CST in their communities).


Ideas that might contribute to this section:


Examples of how Governing Body policies are being used to reflect the impact of CST on decision-making e.g. through the Pay Policy, Behaviour Policy, Leave of Absence Policy etc


How has the school through its Development Plan demonstrated an ongoing commitment to CST e.g. the journey the school has been on to develop CST over a number of years


How are Performance Management cycles being used to promote CST e.g. for Headteacher, SLT and individual class teachers.


How has the school further developed its promotion of CST e.g is the leader or group actively seeking to engage Parents and others beyond the immediate school community


Examples of visiting speakers, conferences attended e.g the impact of these on changing behaviour and developing awareness in the school and beyond.


2. Curriculum.

How is the whole of the curriculum driven by the principles of CST?


How is learning about human dignity, justice, fairness and equality embedded right across the curriculum?


Illustrate how the school is developing resources that directly refer to CST to share with other schools?


Briefly outline how students/pupils actively take a lead in evaluating the Schemes of Work and their learning about CST principles.


Ideas that might contribute to this section:


Exemplars e.g from S.o.W or lesson plans.


Exemplars from student's/pupil's own work from a range of subject areas e.g to illustrate the impact of the curriculum or visiting speakers or visits outside the classroom or national or international campaigns including follow up actions on raising awareness of social justice issues.


Examples of resources which have been shared with other schools e.g. Arranging and holding a number of conferences for schools where pupils/students engage in exploring the meaning of CST principles in their lives.


Evidence of support e.g examples of where support is given to new members of staff, new Head of Department or Subject Leader to embed CST in their teaching and S.o.W.


Evidence of support for other schools to embed CST in their curriculum.


3. Practical

How visible is the school's commitment to human dignity, justice, fairness and equality?


Demonstrate the school's long term support for a project which aims to alleviate poverty and promote justice and fairness locally, nationally or in the global south.


How does the school empower and celebrate the contribution of student/pupil leadership to the school?


Does the school have an annual Justice Awareness Week?  Briefly outline.


Describe how the school works with other schools to promote justice and fairness.


In what ways is the school a source of inspiration and evangelisation to other schools?


Ideas that might contribute to this section:


Exemplars/Photographs e.g evidence from the work of students/pupils, activities which show involvement of Governors, Parents and the wider community.


Evidence from any project e.g. photographs, videos, newsletter as well as testimonies from recipients of the impact the project has had on their community.


Examples of student/pupil led activities and initiatives e.g Student Voice and how this impacts on decision making.


Evidence from resources or opportunities to be shared with other schools e.g visiting speakers, organising a conference.


Evidence from a Justice Awareness Week

Contact Us

Oscar Romero Award Trust, Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Stakes Hill Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7BW



+44 7931070635

@ 2024 Oscar Romero Award Trust

Registered Charity No. 1174108

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