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Developer Level Validation Visit Expectations 


  • A validation visit will be organised by the Oscar Romero Award Lead member of staff for the school.  

  • The purpose of the visit will be to see how the school puts Catholic Social Teaching into practice.  

  • It is a ‘validation’ visit rather than an inspection. Our Validators will be looking to validate/see what the school said in your online Developer Level application. 

  • During a validation visit, we would expect to have a tour of the school led by pupils/students or a member of staff.  

  • We will then expect to meet a representative of each of the following groups in the school: 

    • Governors 

    • Senior Leadership Team 

    • Staff (teaching or support) 

    • Pupils/students 


The discussion will focus on the following areas: 

  1. Strategic Strand – the representatives of the governors and Senior Leadership Team will show how the school at the governing level puts social justice and Catholic Social Teaching into practice and will have at hand evidence to support that what is written in policies is what happens in practice.  

  2. Curriculum Strand – We will expect to view samples of pupil/student’s work from a range of subjects and year groups that show that they learn about and reflect on social justice issues. More evidence of this strand will also come from the validator’s interview with pupils/students as well as discussions with teaching staff. 

  3. Practical Strand – We will expect the Oscar Romero Award lead person to show evidence of how the school practically supports social justice issues. These will be seen during the tour of the school as well as through meeting and interacting with members (staff and pupils/students) of different groups that put Catholic Social Teaching into practice. 

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