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About Us

In this section, you will get information about:

  • Our Strategy and Vision

  • The Oscar Romero Award Trust

  • The life, words and actions of Blessed Oscar Romero; the source of inspiration for this Award.

  • Our Fees



Our Work

 Supporting schools to embed the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching in their ethos and culture, so that all within the school can experience life to the full. It will also support schools to find ways of being 'good news' to the local, national and global community in their own unique way. 

In order to deliver this programme, we are currently charging schools the following fees to cover some of our cost. However, this fee structure is likely to change from September 2025. 



Registration fee 

Primary Schools = £100

Secondary Schools and Sixth Form Colleges = £150

All Through Schools = £200


Fees for Participator, Developer and Innovator Levels:

  1. Schools/Colleges with under 400 pupils/students = £50

  2. Schools/Colleges with pupils/students 401 to 800 = £75

  3. Schools/Colleges with over 801 pupils/students = £100



Who can participate?

All Catholic schools; primary, secondary and sixth form colleges in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland can take part.


The Award is available at THREE Levels:

Participator Level

Developer Level

Innovator Level


Participator Level – the school promotes social justice through charitable work as well having regard to human dignity and justice in its policies, curriculum and practices.


Developer Level – the school develops resources and starts embedding Catholic Social Teaching principles in its every-day life.


Innovator Level – the school works with other schools to promote Catholic Social Teaching and social justice is embedded in every aspect of the school’s life and work.


This is a process, a journey that a school community embarks on. It is not an event or a tick box exercise. It is a way of the school examining its culture and ethos and seeing how they can align it more closely to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. We expect that schools will take some time to move from one level to the next as they build these principles into their school life.


“Catholic education is based on the belief that the human and the divine are inseparable. In Catholic schools and colleges, management, organisation, academic and pastoral work, prayer and worship, all aim to prepare young people for their life as Christians in the community.”​ (Bishops statement on Catholic education in England and Wales September 2014, p3)


NOTE: For the descriptors or assessment criteria for each level, please go to the 'Our Award' section of the website.



Our challenges

How do we…

  • Support young people to play an active role in bringing about God’s Kingdom?

  • Inspire others to act justly?

  • Celebrate our Catholic Faith and acknowledge the work we do to ensure that our world is a better place for all?

  • Play a part in tackling poverty and injustice in all its manifestations?

  • Connect with issues in our neighbourhood, the wider community and beyond?

  • Capitalise on young peoples’ enthusiasm to create centres of evangelisation in action?


I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.​ (John 10; 10)


“Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately at the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men and women now.” (Teresa of Avila)

Contact Us

Oscar Romero Award Trust, Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Stakes Hill Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 7BW



+44 7931070635

@ 2024 Oscar Romero Award Trust

Registered Charity No. 1174108

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